
Whispering Interpreting: Where Silence Meets Understanding

If you're on the lookout to grasp the finer details of whispering interpretation, (or if you’ve never heard of whispering interpretation), then you've landed in the right place. We know it can sometimes feel like a maze navigating through the different types of interpreting services available out there, trying to find the one that really clicks.

Whispering interpreting is a subtle, yet incredibly useful style of interpretation.Whispering interpreting in action during a discussion in a business meetingjpg

We'll highlight what exactly sets whispering interpreting apart. We've got the details on the specific processes of whispering interpreting, and we'll do it with other well-known forms of interpretation, such as consecutive, simultaneous, relay, and liaison interpreting.

Guide to Multilingual Virtual Meetings: Best Tools and Practices

Since the advent of COVID-19, we've seen exponential growth in the use of virtual events and meetings.

Because of the pandemic, companies around the world have changed the way they work. Now, there's a big demand for online events that can cater to participants from different countries - all at once.

Multilingual virtual meetings during Covid-19

Virtual meetings are now a regular part of our work life, thanks to more people working from home and teaming up with others globally. These online get-togethers - like group calls or web events - help connect people no matter where they are.

But things get tricky when attendees speak different languages. Clear communication is essential for good multilingual virtual meetings, and it gets harder when different languages come into play.

Different languages, cultures, and accents can cause confusion, making it hard for everyone to work together. On top of language differences, other challenges like time zone differences and technical issues can also arise.

So, when companies hold multilingual virtual meetings, they need special tools to help participants understand each other. Using video tools and platforms that help with language can make online events better for everyone.

To help make your multilingual virtual meetings easier, we've made a list of useful tips. With these, you can facilitate smooth multilingual virtual meetings that welcome everyone, no matter what language they speak.


Interpreting has become increasingly crucial, especially with the surge in hybrid events which attract global audiences.

Given the significant rise in events that blend both in-person and virtual audiences from global locations, the type of interpretation you implement, is crucial - as it ensures that your message doesn’t get mistranslated.

Sample scenario where a consecutive interpreter or simultaneous interpreter is needed

Interpretation and translation are frequently mistaken for one another. However, as explained in our previous article, interpreters handle spoken language, whereas translators focus on written text.

Just as with translation, interpreting has its unique nuances. Primarily, it breaks down into consecutive and simultaneous interpreting.

The mode of interpretation you choose can significantly impact the clarity and reception of your message. So, when comparing consecutive interpreting vs simultaneous interpreting, you need to ensure you’re selecting the right method.

If you're considering implementing interpreting services for your business, associates, or a conference, and are uncertain about the process or the type of interpreting required, then this article will guide you through the differences.

In-Person Interpretation: Everything You Need to Know

In many sectors and businesses, it's impossible to ignore the significant impact of in-person interpreters. These professionals excel at ensuring smooth and meaningful conversations between people or groups who don't share a common language. In person interpreter assisting with the closing of a business deal between two peoplejpg

We're about to take a closer look at what an in-person interpreter is, and highlight the procedures these professionals use during interpretation sessions.

Understanding Consecutive Interpretation: A Simple Guide

A consecutive interpreter taking notes during a court trial

Interpretation and translation are the key tools for effective communication across language groups. These practices allow people, businesses, and organizations from different language backgrounds to communicate, collaborate, and understand one another.

- Translation: The process of converting written text from one language into another.

- Interpretation: The act of translating spoken language in real-time between speakers of different languages.

Whether it's during business meetings, big events, or high-level diplomatic gatherings, interpreting makes communication possible. By giving everyone the same level of access to information, interpretation actually also promotes cultural understanding and inclusivity.

Choosing the right type of interpreting service depends on the setting you find yourself in.