
How to Select an Interpreter Scheduling Platform

Competent and effective communication is vital for the development of international business. It bridges cultural and linguistic gaps, ensuring clarity and mutual understanding between partners from diverse backgrounds. Without such clear communication, businesses risk misunderstandings, missed opportunities, and potential conflicts in the global marketplace.Remote Conference Interpreting Scheduling

With interpreter scheduling platforms, they enable businesses to efficiently and effectively communicate with their global clients, partners, and workers who speak various languages. These platforms are vital for the removal of language barriers that could otherwise halt business growth. The impacts of tools like these, generally encourage a more open, understanding, and effective business environment. 

Top 5 Reasons Why a Cloud-Based Court Interpreter Scheduling Software is the Better Choice

Cloud Based Court Interpreter Scheduling Software

When it comes to the judicial system, managing interpreter services can be a real challenge.Many court systems are using old technology, or still manually assigning interpreters using MS Excel.

A recent client has doubled the number of assignments, while using the same amount of administrative staff. They have already doubled their efficiency. This is a 6 times return on the investment for their software. 

Entering the Interpreter Services Market

It is time to expand your horizons. Most language services companies start in the translation services market. Many miss the opportunity to deliver aligned services. Instead of offering these services and growing their business they stay with only translation services.

'Large clients are moving away from niche players to companies who can provide more of the overall requirements for language services.'

 Adam Hodgson CEO Interpreter IO.

 expand translation business to interpreter services

In essence, the difference between an interpreter and a translator is the mode of communication whereby an interpreter deals with spoken or signed language, and a translator works with the written document.  An interpreter and a translator are both language professionals, but they perform different roles and work in different contexts.

Here's a breakdown of the differences between the two:

Looking for an alternative to BoostLingo?

We are often told by clients who switch to Interpreter IO, that they were unaware that there were alternatives to Boostlingo. Interpreter IO is the leading alternative to Boostlingo with comprehensive features offered through our cloud-based SAAS platfrom.

alternatives to boostlingo