
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Remote Interpreting Platform in 2023

Even before the COVID-19 outbreak, remote interpreting wasn't a brand-new idea. Yet, the commotion around it wasn't as intense.

But the pandemic forced a major change in the way the world thought about things.

The crisis propelled remote interpreting from being an afterthought, to becoming a crucial tool for business continuity, across sectors.

But here's the twist: with every tech player trying to leverage this uptrend, the market was flooded with “innovations” (a lot of these turned out to be nothing more than marketing noise). The rapid pace made it difficult to discern genuine innovation from hype marketing. 

Despite these distractions, genuine innovation didn’t cease.

The standout star among many interpreting innovations has undoubtedly been Remote Simultaneous Interpreting (RSI).

The transition of physical meetings and events, to online remote interpreting platforms, spurred the demand for RSI like never before.

Sample image of a remote interpreting platform during an online meeting

Responding to this demand, providers have been relentless in tweaking their offerings, aiming to cater to the specialised needs of diverse clients.

Today, the landscape is full of remote interpreting platforms, each with their own pros and cons.

This variety is a sign of growth in the market (great!).

Unfortunately for end users though, variety also adds complexity and overwhelm when trying to pick the perfect fit for your need.

In this breakdown, our goal is to help you understand the core factors that come into play when making decisions around these tools. The hope is that you’ll be empowered to make informed choices that align with your business requirements.

Understanding VRI vs. RSI: What’s the Difference??

Before diving into the nuance of a remote interpreting platform and pinpointing the right choice, it's crucial to distinguish Remote Simultaneous Interpreting (RSI) from its counterpart, Video Remote Interpreting (VRI). Both harness the power of remote interpreting, incorporating audio and video, but they differ in a few key aspects.

Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) operates on a consecutive interpretation basis – interpreters and speakers alternate, ensuring clarity. This method is particularly beneficial for intimate meetings or specific sectors like healthcare and the public domain where bilingual communication, typically involving just two languages, is needed.

On the other hand, Remote Simultaneous Interpreting (RSI) thrives in larger, more diverse settings, interpreting in real-time as speakers present, catering to audiences from varied linguistic backgrounds.

Furthermore, from a business lens, there are differences in the compensation structures for interpreters. For expansive events or conferences, Remote Simultaneous Interpreting (RSI) interpreters often receive a full-day or half-day salary.

With the surge in RSI's popularity, hourly compensation for shorter/ sporadic stints (typically spanning an hour or two), is on the rise. Conversely, Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) professionals are typically compensated per minute of their service.

What is a Remote Interpreting Platform?

A Remote interpreting platform is a digital solution that enables interpreters to provide their service to anyone, regardless of location, time, or client specifics.

A remote interpreting platform is helpful for service improvement and operational efficiency (when utilized correctly). It tears down geographical limitations, allowing interpreters to connect with clients from various locations without any hassle, offering a higher degree of flexibility and accessibility.

Example graphic of a remote interpreting platform in action

These innovative tools not only improve convenience but also elevate the level of service provided by interpreters, ensuring clear, concise, and accurate interpretations.

When used to their full potential, remote interpreting platforms can significantly enhance communication, fostering understanding and collaboration between individuals who speak different languages.

The key, however, is to leverage them effectively and to choose the right remote interpreting platform that aligns with your needs and goals. Whether you're an interpreter looking to expand your reach or an individual or business in need of interpretation services, remote interpreting platforms can offer tailored solutions to meet diverse communication needs.

Benefits of using a Remote Interpreting Platform

As technology advances, remote interpreting platforms are transforming the way we communicate across languages. These platforms not only break down language barriers but also offer a host of advantages that traditional interpreting methods might not provide.

From the comfort of choosing your location, through to saving on travel expenses, the perks are numerous.

Below are some of the top benefits of using a remote interpreting platform - showcasing why they're becoming a preferred choice for many:

  • Convenience: Use it anywhere and anytime, no need for physical meetings.
  • Saves Money: No travel or setup costs involved.
  • Global Reach: Connect with interpreters from all over the world.
  • Quick Access: Find and use an interpreter in real-time or schedule in advance.
  • Quality Service: Many platforms ensure their interpreters are trained and certified.
  • Language Variety: Access to multiple languages, even the less common ones.
  • Safe Conversations: Secure platforms protect your information and discussions.
  • Easy to Use: User-friendly designs make them simple for anyone to navigate.
  • Flexibility: Adjust to different types of interpretations, like video or over the phone (OPI).
  • Consistency: Regularly work with preferred interpreters, ensuring a consistent experience.

Using a remote interpreting platform can enhance communication, reduce costs, and offer a seamless experience for users in need of interpretation services.

Key Challenges of Using a Remote Interpreting Platform

Remote interpreting platforms have become an invaluable tool for bridging language gaps from anywhere in the world. While they offer numerous benefits, like convenience and global reach, they also come with their own set of challenges.

Connectivity issues in a live conference call - one of the challenges of using a remote interpreting platform

From technical hiccups to understanding the platform's intricacies, it's essential to be aware of the following potential obstacles. 

  • Connectivity Issues: Dependence on a stable internet connection can sometimes be a hurdle.
  • Tech Learning Curve: For those new to technology, there might be an initial adjustment phase.
  • Sound Quality: Poor audio can impact the effectiveness of interpretation.
  • Delay/Lag: Real-time interpretation can be affected by connection delays.
  • Security Concerns: Not all remote interpreting platforms may offer robust data protection.
  • Cultural Nuances: A Remote interpreting platform might miss out on capturing certain in-person cultural cues.
  • Remote Interpreting Platform Limitations: Not all platforms support every language or dialect.
  • Equipment Dependence: Requires devices like headphones, microphones, or cameras for optimal functioning.
  • User Interface: Some platforms might not be user-friendly or intuitive.
  • Costs: While a remote interpreting platform can be cheaper, some high-quality platforms might come with significant costs.

Despite these challenges, with the right choice and training, remote interpreting platforms can offer immense value and convenience.

Making a Smart Choice: How to Pick the Right Remote Interpreting Platform

When considering a remote interpreting platform, it's not just about hopping onto the latest tech trend. It's about making a wise choice that aligns with your needs.

Here's a 10-step guide to help you navigate your decision:

  1. Understand Your Requirements: Before diving into the myriad of remote interpreting platform options, pinpoint exactly what you need. Are you looking for a platform that supports multiple languages, specific tech features, or perhaps one tailored for a particular industry?
  2. Research and Reviews: Look into remote interpreting platform reviews, ratings, and user feedback. Real-world experiences shared by others can offer invaluable insights.

For instance, the article from Switchboard titled "Language Access in Times of Crisis: Getting Started with Video Remote Interpreting" provides an in-depth look into the importance and application of remote interpreting, especially during critical times.

  1. Technical Stability: A platform's primary role is to facilitate smooth communication. Ensure it boasts reliable uptime, quality audio and video capabilities, and minimal lag.
  2. Security: In today's digital age, data protection is paramount. Opt for platforms that prioritize secure connections, encryption, and data privacy.
  3. User-Friendliness: An intuitive interface can make the interpreting process much smoother. Test the platform or opt for a trial if available.
  4. Flexibility: The best platforms can adapt to various interpretation types, whether it's video, voice-only, or over the phone.
  5. Support and Training: Especially if you're new to such platforms, availability of training resources and responsive customer support can be a game-changer.
  6. Pricing and Plans: Consider the platform's pricing structure. Does it offer subscription models, pay-per-use, or free trials? Ensure it fits within your budget.
  7. Integration Abilities: If you have other tools or software you frequently use, check if the platform can seamlessly integrate with them.
  8. Community and Networking: Some platforms offer community forums or networking opportunities. This can be an added bonus for professional growth and sharing experiences.

In summary, the ideal remote interpreting platform is one that meets your specific needs while ensuring reliability, security, and ease of use. Take your time to research, trial, and test before making your final choice.

Why Opt for Interpreter.io?

Amidst an array of interpretation platforms, Interpreter.io uniquely positions itself with a blend of features and services tailored for today's dynamic needs.

Here's what sets us apart:

Interpreter.io as a cloud-based interpreter scheduling software

  • Cutting-Edge Technology: With a cloud-based interpreter scheduling software, users can experience uninterrupted, high-quality sessions.
  • Comprehensive Platform: A dedicated interpreter scheduling platform designed for versatility and ease.
  • Expert Interpreters: Each interpreter is not only handpicked but also rigorously trained, ensuring top-tier service.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: Interpreter.io’s platform is designed to provide maximum value, ensuring you get premium service without the premium price tag.

Additionally, our platform offers:

  • On-Demand Services: On-demand interpretation services provide immediate assistance whenever required. These services are designed for situations that demand instant language support, eliminating the need for scheduling or long waits.

Whether it's for a quick business meeting or an emergency medical consultation, on-demand services ensure that language barriers are broken down efficiently and without delay.

  • VRI (Video Remote Interpreting): This technology-driven solution leverages video conferencing tools to enable face-to-face communication, albeit virtually. It bridges the gap between parties who might be miles apart, ensuring that they can see and interact with the interpreter, fostering a better understanding and more personal connection.

VRI is especially useful in scenarios where visual cues, like facial expressions and gestures, are vital for accurate interpretation, such as medical consultations or legal depositions.

  • OPI (Over-the-Phone Interpreting): Ideal for situations where video communication isn't necessary or feasible (OPI connects users with interpreters via a simple phone call).

This method ensures that clear, concise interpretations are provided, facilitating understanding between parties who speak different languages. OPI is a flexible solution, compatible with most phone systems, and requires minimal equipment.

It's particularly beneficial for businesses or individuals who need quick and easy access to interpreters without the complexities of video setups.

  • On-Site: Sometimes, the most effective interpreting solution is the traditional one - having an interpreter physically present.

On-site interpreting services provide tailored language support right at your desired location, ensuring that the nuances of face-to-face communication are captured accurately.

Whether it's for a conference, medical procedure, or a legal proceeding, on-site interpreters can gauge the room's atmosphere, respond to visual cues, and provide the most comprehensive language support.

Each of these services caters to different needs and scenarios, ensuring that no matter the situation, effective and accurate language interpretation is always within reach.

Different sectors where a remote interpreting platform can be use

Our solutions find resonance across various sectors. Be it healthcare, legal, call center,  education, or any other industry, Interpreter.io is adaptable, efficient, and reliable.


Now that you're equipped with all the information, it's time to make an informed choice. The world of remote interpretation is vast, but with the right remote interpreting platform, the possibilities are endless.

Amid this expansive digital landscape, Interpreter IO stands out, not just as a platform, but as a partner committed to ensuring quality, versatility, and reliability in every interpretation service provided.

Whether you're a business wanting to communicate with international clients, a healthcare professional aiding patients from various linguistic backgrounds, or a legal expert requiring precise language support, this platform promises seamless integration into your workflow.

Curious about how it can fit into your communication strategy? Explore Interpreter.io's range of services and see the difference for yourself.

You can fill out the form on our contact page to contact us right away if you have any questions or would like further information.